Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Real Dogs

Philippians 3:2-3
"Look out for the dogs, look out for the evil doers, look out for those who mutilate the flesh. For we are the real circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh . . ."

I think it is very telling here that, as Paul begins his conclusion to his letter to the Philippian believers, that he does not say, "look out for the murderers, the rapists, the pedophiles, the prostitutes." Instead, he piles the words up in anticipation for whom they should beware: those who trust in outward forms of righteousness (in this case circumcision) rather than fully upon Christ. Murderers may kill the body but they cannot kill the soul. Rapists and pedophiles may strip a person of dignity and, in this life, cause all sorts of insecurities and horrible and atrocious harm, but they cannot usurp gospel power which brings real security to a victim's conscience. A prostitute may provide instant gratification for a man or woman, but they cannot ultimately adulterate a person's relationship with God since God is the One who begins and perfects the eternal gospel in a person's life (Phil. 1:6).

Paul is writing from prison yet prison cannot stop the truth of God. The real enemy is those who would require some meritorious work to gain God's favor or keep people in God's favor. This is the real enemy of faith and the soul. It has eternal consequences. Al the above are bound by the temporal walls of life here. Those who are truly marked out as God's people are not the ones with a literal flesh circumcision but with the circumcision of the heart
who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh . . ."

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