Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Banjo is an Instrument of the Devil

At least, it has been called that. The banjo has been used as an instrument for song and dance for centuries. Who doesn't like to hear live banjo music (I understand that not everyone goes out to buy a banjo-ladened CD)? The banjo can make the most scroogy personality a little more light-hearted. Yet there are times that we get carried away in our enthusiasm. That's how the banjo has gotten a bad rap. It is often associated with a moonshining, revenuer-ducking, woman-carousing hillbilly type that is not your grandmother's 'little angel' harp recital crowd (unless your grandmother is Granny Clampett).

But is the inanimate banjo to blame? Truth be known, we will pin the sin of our hearts on anything but ourselves won't we? How miserably we fail to take responsibility for our behavior and claim "the banjo made me do it." Ever since the Garden, mankind has shirked his guilt to other people or things; the serpent, the woman, the Creator.

What do you blame for your hearts inordinate desire to worship something other than God? Alcohol? Dance? T.V.? Computer? Your career? Your spouse? Your age? Your health? Could it not be your own heart? "For out of the heart flow the issues of life."
It is not what goes into a man that defiles the man, but what comes out of the heart.

Maybe its time to stop blaming and to acknowledge our guilt and shame. Maybe its time to recognize our dire need for Christ's perfect righteousness given to the account of those willing to trust Him . . . and to actually trust Him.

In this life there will still be patterns of blame that creep up in me, but my sin has been accounted to Christ and His righteousness accounted to me.
That frees me to be honest about my sin and to set sin aside in order to love my Savior and my neighbor . . . and yes . . . even as I play the banjo . . .

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