How thankful I am that the adoption purchased by my heavenly Father of me is a binding contract, not of paper, but of blood and a bloodline - that of Christ Jesus. Jesus himself said that no one and nothing can snatch me out of the Father’s hands. I am eternally bought with the price of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. All of the history of redemption from Genesis to Revelation is a testimony of this assurance for those who would trust him . . . and only Him.

I am His by purchase and I am His by conquest; I am His by donation and I am His by election; I am His by covenant and I am His by marriage; I am wholly His; I am peculiarly His; I am universally His; I am eternally His. Once I was a slave but now I am a son; once I was dead but now I am alive; once I was darkness but now I am light in the Lord; once I was a child of wrath, an heir of hell, but now I am an heir of heaven; once I was Satan's bond-servant but now I am God's freeman; once I was under the spirit of bondage but now I am under the Spirit of adoption that seals up to me the remission of my sins, the justification of my person and the salvation of my soul.
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