Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Eternally Bought

As I watched the news this morning I was saddened to see a story about a young family who had adopted a baby six months ago. For six months the parents and their 9 year old son grew attached to their legally adopted child. Now, a Native American tribe has taken the child for reasons of an exception to the adoption process which gives them the right to do so if the child is in their tribe’s bloodline. Does it matter that the birth mother is unfit to care for the child? Does it matter that the bloodline of the child for this particular tribe is minuscule? Not in the eyes of the tribe. They claim that their 7000 member tribe is losing its heritage as they are a dying breed; therefore, for the sake of carrying the bloodline in the tribe, they have a right to take the child out of the mother’s arms and give it to foster parents.

How thankful I am that the adoption purchased by my heavenly Father of me is a binding contract, not of paper, but of blood and a bloodline - that of Christ Jesus. Jesus himself said that no one and nothing can snatch me out of the Father’s hands. I am eternally bought with the price of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. All of the history of redemption from Genesis to Revelation is a testimony of this assurance for those who would trust him . . . and only Him.

I am Totally His

I am His by purchase and I am His by conquest; I am His by donation and I am His by election; I am His by covenant and I am His by marriage; I am wholly His; I am peculiarly His; I am universally His; I am eternally His. Once I was a slave but now I am a son; once I was dead but now I am alive; once I was darkness but now I am light in the Lord; once I was a child of wrath, an heir of hell, but now I am an heir of heaven; once I was Satan's bond-servant but now I am God's freeman; once I was under the spirit of bondage but now I am under the Spirit of adoption that seals up to me the remission of my sins, the justification of my person and the salvation of my soul.


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